Buying Time

What I like most about my laptop is the freedom it gives me to set up shop anywhere in the house. This evening, I’ve parked myself in the living room by the fireplace. There’s nothing I love better than working by the warmth of a crackling fire.

Having finished her homework, Cait is drawn by the cozy flames. With a good book in hand, she makes herself comfortable in the chair across from me, knowing full well that in a few minutes I’m going to tell her she needs to head upstairs.

You see, we play this nightly game. She knows that it’s time for her to get ready for bed. I know that she’s the queen of dragging out bedtime. Thus, the game of getting her ready to get ready for bedtime.

I let her have several minutes, before I say, “Cait — teeth, jams, bed.”

She buries her nose deeper into her book.

Gazing at her contentedly reading, I say, “It’s nice having your company while I’m working.”

Before I can follow that up with “teeth, jams, bed” again, she peeks over the top of her book, and cuts me off at the pass, “So, do you really want to ruin this moment?”

If my wit was half as quick as hers, I could rule the world.

12 thoughts on “Buying Time”

  1. Indeed, why would you? Don’t listen to me though, my oldest daughter is another candidate for the queen of dragging out bedtime, and I’m the biggest sucker for helping her succeed. A line like that would have done me in.

  2. I theorize that children steal our wit, which hopefully gives us better appreciation of it. :)

    What a retort, LOL.

    And oh how I want a laptop.

  3. Bedtimes with four and different rules and privileges was not one of my favorite times…but still it had it moments. Things like the extra hug, silly bedtime stories and prayers (definitely not boring or stodgy ecclesiasticism).

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