In this section, you’ll find blog posts related to How to Find Your Inner Teacher. Topics include learning how to pay attention in order to make perception shifts to become more awake, deepening our spirituality and connection to nature, as well as developing a strong connection and conversation with our inner teacher.
Use the right sidebar Articles Menu to find full-length articles and transcribed excerpts from Karen’s classes.
How Should We Go About Achieving Our Dreams?
Start with First Things First Q: How should people go about achieving their dreams? Most people are inclined to put the cart before the horse. It’s valuable to have dreams, but most people don’t know why they have the dreams they have. Many have them because they’ve fallen into them and don’t know what other dreams to have. Yes, through dreaming, people create their own reality and lives. But so many of these dreams get shaped at times in our…
Surround Yourself
Surround yourself with people who are Full of Life, Full of Humor, Full of Dreams, Full of themSelves. Back to Post List »
The Shell Game
In order to survive, we all build a shell to live in. For some, the shell is the athlete, the brain, the attractive one, the funny one, the kind-nice one, the in-control-get-things-done one. There are many shells. But that’s all it is; a shell game. But you won’t know this until you lift the shell up to see that there’s nothing underneath it. You don’t live in the shell, the shell is not you. When you are freed from that illusion, then you…
A Simple Meditation for Young Children
Don’t we all wish we’d learned how to meditate when we were young? All adult meditators would agree. And yet how many meditating parents still haven’t found the time or the way to start with their young children. The secret to success: Keep it Short. Keep it Simple. Keep it Fun. Following is a simple and easy way to get started. But first, a few tips. Keep the language and imagery simple. Stay away from loaded words. Keep the meditation…
What Does It Mean When I See Repeating Numbers?
I recently got asked, “Why do I keep seeing repeating numbers? Does it have a spiritual meaning?” In this case, this person was seeing the same time on the clock every day at 1:11, 3:33, and 4:44 day and night. I have to laugh, because—case in point—when I went to check her text for her numbers series, this was on my phone home screen. This is a well-documented synchronicity phenomenon that I’ll explain in a moment. It’s just that some…
Three Key Components to Finding the Inner Teacher
There are three key components to finding the inner teacher. It is truly this simple. Stop. Look. Listen. The stopping is stopping the craziness of modern life. Stopping habits that keep you trapped in behaviors that you know are nothing but time wasters. Stop using your phones as a pacifier. Stop running around looking externally for the outer world to fulfill you in any lasting way. Stop hectic lifestyles. Part of the stopping includes beginning the process of meditation, which…
What Is the Importance of Nature to Reconnect with the Inner Teacher?
This conversation came out of discussing The Inner Life of Trees and Finding the Mother Tree. Q: I’ve been thinking about trees and their ability to communicate with each other and to help each other and I was wondering if their consciousness is greater than ours? What they have kept in their evolutionary process is a groupthink, a oneness that humans have lost. We used to have it and that was where there used to be telepathic communication and the…
You Are Not Your Story
From the time we take on language, our ability to see things clearly for what they are, as they are in real-time, is impacted by perception and memory. Both have been culturally influenced, so cannot be fully relied on to reveal any great truths. You must look past your story; the story of who you’ve been told you are by parents, teachers, clergy, friends, culture. You must look past the memories because memories are inherently inaccurate. They are stored perceptions…
Definition of Crazy — Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting Different Results
Q: I’m feeling stuck in old patterns. A: Work to try to shake yourself out of the habits that are preventing you from changing, from getting to where you want to go. For example, don’t start the day at the computer. Start it outside going for a walk, or exercising, or reading. Q: I know, I’ve made my energy and my life very small. But it feels manageable. Making it bigger feels like just adding more to the to-do list….
A Name is the First Spell
We are born in a state of oneness—still aware of our pure connection with a greater knowing, a greater beingness and the all-that-is. But as soon as we are taught language, we begin being taught how to forget. How is that possible? Let’s use the word “tree,” which is a language symbol for the image symbol for the thing itself. We’ve instantly been twice removed from pure reality. Much gets lost in the translation. Each time we are indoctrinated into…
Is the Glass Half Empty or Half Full?
Q: Is the glass half empty or half full? The glass is neither half empty nor half full. The glass is always full. The question is: Full of what? In the example you’re referring to, it’s full of liquid and air. Read the full article»
This Is An Example of Remembering
I’ve talked about how we are all born remembering our connection to the Source, the All-That-Is. Remembering our connection to everything here as well. Here’s an example of a little girl who remembers her connection to trees. This is what it can look like when young children have kept that awareness.