The Time Has Come…

… the Walrus said, to talk of other things. Of shoes and ships and sealing wax, of cabbages and kings…

Anything but how time is starting to catch up with my beloved girl…

Kiera is closing in on 13 years old. Her recent visit to the vet confirmed what I had been observing. Kiera is now 90% blind.

So we make changes. And we adjust. And we now use baby gates to prevent her from getting stuck on the stairs or, worse, falling down them.

Australian Shepherd babygate

At night I carry her up to sleep where she’s always slept at the side of my bed. And before long, I will need to carry her down as well. And when my back gives out, I’ll move our bedroom downstairs.

Yes, time is marching on. But Kiera and I will march with it as we always have. Together.


2 thoughts on “The Time Has Come…”

  1. We carried our Porter up to bed and down again for her last several years. She always made us aware that it was undignified, but she never wanted to sleep downstairs alone either. I think you’ve hit on the answer–first floor bedrooms from now on!

    1. Hey Meryl! Good to see you! Kiera would agree on the undignified part, but she’s willing to put up with being carried to be with me. Absoultely–my next house will have a 1st floor bedroom. Until then, we’ll have to improvise.

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