When I’m asked what’s a good book to start with for seekers new to nonduality, I always recommend I AM THAT: Talks with Nisargadatta Maharaj. Many regard it as a modern spiritual classic that preserves Maharaj’s dialogs with followers who came from around the world seeking spiritual guidance.
The Q&A format, with people from all walks of life discussing a wide range of topics, makes this book highly relatable.
*Quick FYI. While listening, you may notice that, often, the verb is placed towards the end of the sentence, which may sometimes sound awkward to an English-speaking ear. This Subject-Object-Verb (SOV) structure is typical in many Indian languages like Marathi (the language Nisargadatta spoke), Hindi, and Sanskrit. SOV sentence construction typically places the subject first, followed by other elements, and concludes with the verb.
Click to listen to the full playlist with Chapter Timestamps on YouTube »
Chapters 1-10 |
Chapters 11-20 |
Chapters 21-25 |
Chapters 26-30 |
Chapters 31-35 |
Chapters 36-40 |
Chapters 41-45 |
Chapters 46-50 |
Chapters 51-55 |
Chapters 56-60 |
Chapters 61-65 |
Chapters 66-70 |
Chapters 71-75 |
Chapters 76-80 |
Chapters 81-85 |
Chapters 86-90 |
Chapters 91-95 |
Chapters 96-101 |