Definition of Crazy — Doing the Same Thing Over and Over and Expecting Different Results

Q: I’m feeling stuck in old patterns.

A: Work to try to shake yourself out of the habits that are preventing you from changing, from getting to where you want to go. For example, don’t start the day at the computer. Start it outside going for a walk, or exercising, or reading.

Q: I know, I’ve made my energy and my life very small. But it feels manageable. Making it bigger feels like just adding more to the to-do list.

A: I’m not talking about adding more busywork. This is about choosing something in the moment that will help you feel more alive and present; something that will give you a lift instead of drag you down, distract you, or numb you.

Q: Even if it just serves to make me more anxious?

A: You’re confusing making your life small with being in control. All you’ve done is locked the doors and closed the curtains, but you haven’t kept the enemies from the gate. You’re still surrounded.

Q:  Very funny.

A: But true. Start doing something different that lifts you every day.

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