Awareness Tune Up Challenge: How Many Faces Can You Find?

When we’re working with sharpening our senses, part of the skill development is to play with how things appear.

Challenging Our Assumptions

By actively engaging with how things appear, we begin to challenge our default assumptions about the world. We start to recognize that our initial perceptions might not always mesh with reality. This playful approach to sensory exploration encourages us to question what we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, rather than accepting our first impressions as absolute truth.

The Malleable Nature of Perception

Our perceptions are actually far more malleable than we might have thought. For instance, visual illusions demonstrate how our brains can be tricked into seeing things that aren’t there or missing things that are. By deliberately engaging with these illusions, we train ourselves to be more discerning observers.


How many faces are you able to find in the tree?  I’ll give you a hint. There are ten.

faces in the tree
natl leaders tree answers

Optical illusions can be used as so much more than just fun visual puzzles. They can also serve as useful tools for psychological and spiritual growth. 

Psychological Growth

  1. Enhanced Cognitive Abilities: Optical illusions force the brain to process information that conflicts with normal perceptual expectations. This can enhance cognitive skills such as problem-solving, attention to detail, and critical thinking.

  2. Increased Mindfulness: Playing with optical illusions can increase mindfulness by making us more aware of how we perceive the world. It teaches us that not everything is as it appears, encouraging a more reflective and questioning approach to everyday perceptions.

Spiritual Growth

  1. Understanding Subjective Reality: Optical illusions can be great metaphors for making the spiritual point that reality is not always what it seems. By realizing how easily our perception can be deceived, we can develop a more open and flexible approach to our beliefs.

  2. Deepening Self-Awareness: When we think about how our minds interpret these illusions, we can gain insights into how our minds work—insights that can be applied to understanding deeper aspects of the self and the universe.

By challenging our perception, by playing with optical illusions, we have a chance to not only entertain our brains but also expand our understanding of ourselves and the world around us. 

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