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Awakening Inner Knowing

Welcome! In this section, you’ll find blog posts related to Inner Knowing and finding your Inner Teacher. Topics include learning how to pay attention in order to make perception shifts to become more awake, deepening our spirituality and connection to nature, as well as developing a strong connection and conversation with our Inner Teacher or Inner Knowing. These terms may be used interchangeably.

Use the right sidebar Articles Menu to find full-length articles and transcribed excerpts from Karen’s classes.

Why Are People So Attracted to the Harry Potter Story?

Q: Is the Harry Potter story popular because people are interested in the good and evil story?

No. People are interested in the magical world and supernatural powers. Children like to fantasize about being powerful and having magical, wishful thinking become reality, as Harry does. The resonance is not to good and evil, but to the magicalness of life that people wish was there and sense somehow could be, should be there, but don’t know how to experience it on … Read More

What Is an Old Soul?

Q: What is an “old soul,” and is there even such a thing?

It depends on how someone uses the term. The most common use is more of a poetical reference to another person who appears to possess wisdom, maturity, understanding, and insight beyond their years. It’s an acknowledgment of an individual’s unique, mature qualities, attitudes, and behaviors typically associated with someone much older.

Some additional common characteristics attributed to an old soul are a natural curiosity about the world … Read More

Suicide-From a Nondual Perspective

Q: Please share your views on suicide.

First, my answer will be speaking largely from a nondual perspective. Second, let’s get it out on the table that suicide is a highly charged topic that people have very strong emotions around. It’s an action that’s been condemned and there is a major effort to govern by fear of punishment, even eternal punishment, in the effort to prevent it. And yet, even these guardrails are not wholly effective.

So many judgments are … Read More

Growing Up in the Digital Age: How Cell Phones Influence Mental Health and Trust

Q: There’s been so much in the news about anxiety and depression among the young. Some studies say there’s a direct correlation with cell phone use. Other studies say not so much. What are your thoughts?

The anxiety and depression of youth, and of the population in general, have a direct correlation to cell phone use and to game playing use. But the factor that is not being connected, one that’s almost equally as important, is that young people today … Read More

Awareness Tune Up Challenge: How Many Faces Can You Find?

When we’re working with sharpening our senses, part of the skill development is to play with how things appear.

Challenging Our Assumptions

By actively engaging with how things appear, we begin to challenge our default assumptions about the world. We start to recognize that our initial perceptions might not always mesh with reality. This playful approach to sensory exploration encourages us to question what we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell, rather than accepting our first impressions as absolute truth.

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The Solar Eclipse’s Effect & Spiritual Wagon Trains

Q: What impact did the solar eclipse have on us all?

Think of it as a reset button. It certainly was a moment of pause that caused all who saw it to remember the wonder of the universe. But it could also be thought of as an opportunity to reset the way we are operating in the world. A chance to come to terms with the dreams that cannot become reality. And the beginning of accepting what can become reality.… Read More

Should I Choose the Path of Intuition or the Path of Spirituality?

Q: If someone came to you and asked which path they should follow, the path of intuition or the path of spirituality, what would you tell them?

Well, it’s a “depends” answer. There’s no one-size-fits-all. It’s really looking at who that person is, what they need, and what’s going to take them the furthest to get them the closest to where they want to go.

It’s easy to dismiss intuition as a path that gets you lost and takes you … Read More

The Power of Quiet: Finding Peace in a Noisy World

Before the hustle and bustle of the Industrial Revolution, the sounds of nature, the ringing of church bells to mark the hours, the everyday noises of town life, horse hooves on cobblestone streets, marketplace haggling, that’s what we knew.

And even these sounds, while sometimes loud, were intermittent and confined to particular places. Back then, experiencing quiet moments was more common, with noise levels similar to what you might find in today’s quiet library or peaceful countryside, at around 40-60 … Read More