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Awakening Inner Knowing

Welcome! In this section, you’ll find blog posts related to Inner Knowing and finding your Inner Teacher. Topics include learning how to pay attention in order to make perception shifts to become more awake, deepening our spirituality and connection to nature, as well as developing a strong connection and conversation with our Inner Teacher or Inner Knowing. These terms may be used interchangeably.

Use the right sidebar Articles Menu to find full-length articles and transcribed excerpts from Karen’s classes.

Thinking in Words vs Images

Q: Do most people think in words rather than in images?

True. Most people are trained to have nonstop thoughts, which are words strung together. The beginning of releasing thoughts is to begin to start learning to see in images.

Images don’t trigger thoughts in the same way. This may seem counterintuitive because images are more likely to create and evoke emotions. A picture is worth 1000 words.

In fact, the longer you work to see in images rather than … Read More

Spiritual Seekers, External Teachers and GIMMES

Q: Sometimes we search for so long we reach a point where we don’t even know what it was we were searching. But there is this longing that remains. What now? 

What’s needed is a moment of recognition. Something clicks that makes us feel alive and excited.

That’s one of the things that happen when we find an external teacher. We have that sensation of hope that here’s somebody who could take me further down the path. You may not … Read More

What are the Most Beneficial Things to do with Our Time?

Q: In addition to meditation and spending time in nature, what are the most beneficial things to do with our time?

Take care of what is around you. Mend what needs mending. Tend what needs tending. Love what needs loving. Appreciate and enjoy your talents. Express your creativity. Be gentle and take comfort from simple living.

There is nothing mysterious about any of this. It is all very straightforward. When you meditate and spend time in nature, it quickly becomes … Read More

Trying to Measure Spiritual Progress

The mistake that people make with all spiritual practices is they walk into this room full of tools, and all these tools can help you to break through the illusion of duality, into that spiritual awareness connection, into the All-That-Is.

But what most people do is they try a tool for a brief period. They don’t get the quick results they’re looking for. They drop the tool. They go back and pick up another tool. “Let me try this one.” … Read More

How is Recent Solar Activity Affecting Us?

Q: How is, or is recent sunspot and solar flare activity affecting humans?

Recent solar activity (the earth is experiencing an intense solar storm this week) has been blasting the atmosphere with ionized particles. The equivalent of throwing pebbles into the pond causing concentric waves to radiate out. And because so many pebbles are thrown in at once, the concentric circles cause interference with each other, resulting in disruptive patterns. The point is, it’s hard now for us to hold … Read More

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