Hare Today, Goon Tomorrow

Anyone who’s had a young child in the last decade probably remembers Little Bunny Foo Foo. But in case you don’t know this song, it goes like this:

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin’ ’em on the head

Down came the good fairy and she said

“Little Bunny Foo Foo,
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin’ ’em on the head.
I’ll give you three chances,
And if you don’t behave
I’ll turn you into a goon!”

And so repeat the next two verses. Of course, Little Bunny Foo Foo does not heed the advice of the good fairy and thus the last verse goes like this.

Little Bunny Foo Foo,
Hopping through the forest
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin’ ’em on the head

Down came the good fairy and she said

“Little Bunny Foo Foo,
I don’t want to see you
Scooping up the field mice
And boppin’ ’em on the head.
I gave you three chances
And you didn’t behave
Now you’re a goon! POOF!!”

The moral of the story is:

Cait and I used to sing this song in the car every day on the way to Kindergarten. For some reason, this little ditty never failed to crack us up. While Foo Foo was busy bopping field mice, we were busy bopping down the road.

Those were magical days.

My Little Bunny Foo Foo is starting to grow up. She no longer has the face and body, or for that matter, the silly sense of humor, of a young child. She is maturing in body and mind; I can see now what she’ll look like as an adult. And while I look forward to who she’ll become as a young woman, I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I miss who she was as a young child.

So the moral of this story is to remember to take the time to enjoy your young ones now. Because, in a blink of an eye, that fairy is going to come along. And POOF. Hare today, goon tomorrow…

5 thoughts on “Hare Today, Goon Tomorrow”

  1. girl and dog

    If it helps any, I remember singing it in a melody similar to “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and speaking through the “fairy” sections.

  2. Hey, I used to sing that with my brother and my mom when I was about 6 or 7! :) It’s been more than 20 years… *ehem*

  3. No “sung to the tune of…” that I know of. Sung to 4/4 beat though. Kind of a bopping beat. :)

    Two and a half is a wonderful age. Enjoy it!

  4. Is it “sung to the tune of…?” That sounds like such a fun song. We’ve never heard of it in this household!

    And time does zip by, just like you say. I don’t know where two-and-a-half years have gone. She’s doing things I never thought she’d do. Take time to enjoy it is such good advice.

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