Crufts is the largest dog show in the world. It’s held in March every year. And while it has all the usual judging of Best of Breed, etc., I love watching the agility and freestyle parts of the program. Talk about a working and playing partnership with your dog…!
Here are this year’s winners, Richard and Pogo, of the HTM (heelwork to music) Freestyle.
And Mary Ray is one of my favorite performers. Simply amazing.
AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing this!!
I love the respect between the trainer and the dogs. So cool.
I .love. freestyle. It shows such creativity in the people and such joy in the dogs.
Holly, I love Tina Humphrey too. Amazing work. Amazing Dog. Amazing partnership! I love how Chandi’s tail is wagging through the whole performance.
It’s funny… watching these dogs with their people so united in work/play just brings tears to my eyes. There is something so transcendent about it, I think.
I hadn’t seen the one with Attila Szkukalek before. Very funny. Very cute! Thanks for the link.
Wow, this is almost like the circus. I’d never heard of Crufts. Thank you for sharing