I had a couple of friends visiting from New York City. After two nights of being kept awake by the nightly symphony of our frogs, crickets, cicadas and other orchestra members, my friends said they couldn’t wait to get back home to the “Quiet” of the city. Mind you, they live on the same block as a hospital AND a police station!
Guess it’s all what you’re used to… : ) Click to listen to Night Sounds in the Northeast (30 seconds).
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I fall asleep to that sound every night here in my little corner of Kentucky. I couldn’t sleep well without it!
Hey Cindy! Yes, it’s a sweet lullaby for me too!
And to top it off, we have roosters. That really upsets their sleep!
Yeah, don’t think I’ll be sending them over to your place–the rooster would definitely send them over the edge! LOL!