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Didn’t There Used to be a Thing About Living Within One’s Means?

Life is indeed overwhelming these days. What with the non-stop political circus ramping up to beyond frenzied levels, just for starters… Even so, we need to find a way to not be distracted and to remember to expand our consciousness beyond our short-term, short-sighted actions.

Earth Overshoot Day came on July 29 this year. This is the second time the day, which marks the time at which humanity has used up its allotment of natural planetary resources for the year, … Read More

What If — Everyone Started the Workday Dancing?

When I spent some time in India, there were many things that were striking. But one that I found most so was when I visited a friend’s office and he asked me to join in on their lunch break. Thinking I was just signing myself up for more curried dal and roti, I said sure. Then riotous dancing broke out and everyone—and I do mean everyone—joined in. The sheer joy of it can’t be translated. But I can tell you, … Read More

Planet Earth Team Humanity

When did it happen that we’ve come to live in a time where it has somehow become socially acceptable to publically behave badly by expressing anger and frustration, and a willingness to harm others. Whether by yelling, name-calling, flipping someone the bird, or worse threatening someone’s integrity or safety.

And, conversely, showing signs of sensitivity and vulnerability are frowned on as being weak.

Not an upside down cake I have any interest in taking a slice from.

What if we … Read More

Mind Meld

Several times a day, Graidy comes and sits on my lap, and then gently presses his forehead to my forehead, with his nose to my nose. He does this with deliberate precision, until we are staring eye-to-eye. Then he closes his eyes and breathes his warm breath on my face. I feel his body relax. We stay like this, merged, for several seconds.

I wonder, is he trying to read my mind? I’ve no doubt that if he could climb … Read More

I Understand…

I’ve never been one to turn away from the raw and real, and nitty gritty about life. I don’t seek it out, but if it comes looking for me, I’ve tried to equip myself to the best of my ability to meet it. Hence my training as an EMT, my training in psychology, and my involvement with dog training and rescue. I figure that pretty much covers most of the bases.

As life often has a tendency to bunch up, … Read More

How to Tell if the Moon is Waxing or Waning

Here’s a simple way to tell if the moon is growing toward full or waning toward new.

Just remember that “C” is the 3rd letter of the alphabet which is lower (smaller) than “D,” the 4th letter of the alphabet, which is higher (bigger). So when the curve of the moon makes a “C,” it’s waning. And when the curve makes a “D,” it’s waxing.

C = #3 (less than #4)- Waning – loosing light toward New Moon

D Read More

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