Three Musketeers

The integration of Finnegan, Cait’s kitten, into our home as gone better than my wildest dreams. Both Kiera and Graidy have pretty high prey drives, so there was no guarantee that it would work out, never mind work out smoothly.

Now, wherever you find one, you’ll find the other two. They’ve become inseparable.

Three Muskateers

The usual bedtime at the Shanley’s.

11 thoughts on “Three Musketeers”

  1. Hi Karen,
    Ginga and BooBoo were 3, the cat about 1 (she adopted me to escape from her life as a stray, she’s very scared of the two doggies). One of our friends is taking her in a couple of months so probably too late for Ginga/Boo to be friends. But nice to know that it can be done! Will love to read your post about how you went about it.

  2. Jan, Kiera’s got a nice little scratch on her nose as we speak. She’s very protective of Finn, and when Finn plays with Graidy, Kiera wants them to play nice. Finn let Kiera know what he thought of that idea!

    Therese, don’t all animal lovers’ beds look the same? Full of as many 4-leggeds as they can hold! HA!

    Actually, I don’t know if I’d say it was an easy transition but it was worth all the effort.

  3. Great picture, it looks like a Renaissance painting. It is remarkable what a little behavior modification can do for domestic animals who are supposed to be enemies. One swat by my cat across the dog’s nose and it was peaceable kingdom from then on.

  4. Ranjit, how old were the cat and the dogs when you introduced them? Temperament and age can play a big role. I scripted our guys intro heavily — always supervised, controlled short visits until all were okay.

    I’ve got a post in que on how I got them to get along.

  5. Wow how did you do that? We’re having lots of problems with the doggies and Kitty going after each other. Kitty keeps hissing and the doggies keep barking and trying to catch her. They think she is a black rabbit or something.

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