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Finnegan the Coon Cat

Where Do You Land In the “Can’t Live Without” Category?

I admit it. I have dogs on my brain. I’ve made it a whole 9 months without a dog. That’s closing in on a new record for me. It’s not that I don’t miss Finn, too. I do. But cats don’t fall into the “can’t live without” category for me.

So I was curious. Where do most people fall in the “can’t live without” category? Looks like it depends on what country you live in.

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I’ve Created Two Monsters

Because both Wink and Finn need to take (multiple) pills twice a day every day, and opening their mouths (especially Finn’s) to get said pills down their throats is a nightmare, I’ve resorted to hiding the pills in whatever (safe) people food is left from our meals. I know. I know. Slippery slope. Yes, I now have two merciless beggars.

cat and dog sitting at table

I cannot lie; Wink was already world-class. He learned it from Kiera, my Aussie who I had to retrain and Read More

Pet First Aid App

It’s been an interesting week. We’ve been fighting hard to bring Finn back from the brink of death and he’s finally out of the woods (more on that in another post), and Cait has been very chatty about the movie, Into the Storm.

So combine one very sick animal and a wacko weather movie, and you won’t be surprised that I went looking for an app like this.  It’s a great little app. If you decide to download it, … Read More

Best Cat Scratching Post EVER!

Sing it with me! Hallelujah!!!!

Those of you who’ve been here for a while know that I’ve been engaged in an epic battle for 7+ years to try to get Finn to stop scratching my furniture to ruins (hard to believe he’ll be 8 in April). I have tried just about every cat product on the market.


Better late than never…  Finn absolutely goes bonkers over this scratching post. He scratches. He climbs. He perches. He rubs. He … Read More

Resource-Guarding Cats?

FinnWatching Finn dig into some of his favorite wet food, it occurred to me that I’ve never seen a cat resource-guard. Could just be my limited cat experience, or just that as a rule I’ve been lucky with the cats I’ve had. Worst cases were former feral cats who would simply withdraw from the food and wait for me to leave. But no growls or bites or claws directed at me.

Then again, cats are not the tight social species … Read More

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