The Embodiment of Pure Love


May 11, 2008 – April 15, 2022

Blenheim Cavalier Spaniel

There has been no other dog filled with as much love and happiness as this little guy. He came by way of a dog for Cait, but as life often has other plans, it wasn’t long before he attached himself fully and completely to me. He and I have been inseparable ever since he made that decision. Literally, in 14 years we’ve rarely been out of each other’s sight. One of the benefits of a home office.

Cait, remembering a post that I’d written comparing Wink and Kiera where I talked about the difference between Wink having the Awww factor and Kiera having the Awe factor, asked if I still felt the same way. She knew how important Kiera had been to me.

The funny thing is, for as much as I profoundly loved and felt connected to Kiera, it turns out that Wink matched that and then some. For me, he is my dog for the ages. And the hole he leaves is unspeakable.

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