Circle of Life — Meet Blue

Dawn, one of my loyal readers, and a fellow Aussie lover, just shared some pics of her brand new Aussie boy! Oh. My. Word!

Mini Blue Merle Australian ShepherdIf this doesn’t make you want to get a new puppy…! : ) Blue is a blue merle, mini-Aussie.

Here’s Dawn’s latest update: He was born on March 10 and we have decided to call him Blue. We have had him 16 days now. The other 2 dogs have gotten used to him finally!!

He is very smart. Already house trained (Without a crate), knows how to sit & come, learned how to go up the stairs after being showed 1 time, passes the time bird watching, and we are working on shake.

Mini Blue Merle Australian Shepherd

He loves to play frisbee but his most favorite thing to do is to dig! Oh how he LOVES to dig lol!! I will have to snap a few pictures of him doing his favorite things.

He is a mini aussie but the Vet thinks he will be around 30-35 lbs. He has already gained 4 lbs!! We are taking him out a lot to get him socialized. Lots of work :)

Dawn is quick to say (and I heartily second) that Aussies aren’t for everyone. “The toughest part is when I share him on Facebook, people just see his beauty and always comment on how they want an Aussie! I have done a lot of discouraging and told people to PLEASE research dog breeds before getting a dog. These dogs are a lot of work. They are very intelligent and need owners who understand the breed!!”


4 thoughts on “Circle of Life — Meet Blue”

  1. Our newest member of the family is also a mini Aussie, whom we named Adelaide, or Addie. A little red merle girl, she definitely attracts a lot of attention from everyone who sees her pretty face! I find myself stopped quite often when we are out and about on our walks; people want to know what breed she is, how old, etc. Like all of us owned by Aussies, I seem to immediately fall into the mantra of explaining the breed and how they definitely are not for everyone. Sometimes I worry my explanations might seem negative, but my intent is truly to make those asking understand how intelligent these dogs are and the work it takes to share your life with them! Addie is 3 months old, crate trained, sleeps from 10 p.m. to 5:30 a.m., knows sit, lie down, roll, shake, and is quickly learning other commands. We are still working on come, as her recall leaves a lot to be desired! I love my little Addie girl, though, and can’t imagine my life with any other breed.

    1. Ronda, you are doing everyone a service by being discouraging. People need to “think” past the beauty of an Aussie. I actually got to the point where I made little “Aussie Info” cards that I carried with me and handed out to people. It included links to Breed Pick websites so people could see for themselves (if they’re honest) that an Aussie probably isn’t for them.

  2. Thanks for the shout out Karen! Things have gotten easier now. He has let me sleep almost 6 hours the last 2 nights! The toughest part is when I share him on Facebook, people just see his beauty and always comment how they want a Aussie! I have done a lot of discouraging and told people to PLEASE research dog breeds before getting a dog. These dogs are a lot of work. They are very intelligent and need owners who understand the breed!! People most times want a cuddly puppy. Blue is independent and is just fine being away from us. This is not to say he doesn’t like to be with us because he does. :) He has been on 2 walks and has done very well. We had problems with a collar at first, he did NOT like them. We purchased a harness and he does not mind that at all. :)

    1. All too true! Beautiful and intelligent dogs that aren’t for everyone! Thanks for asking people to think 3 times before picking this breed!

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