2 thoughts on “Love a Vet with a Sense of Humor”

  1. This is our vet’s office right around the corner from our home! So fun to see his sign on your blog! I am so grateful for your blog and have read many of your posts out loud to my family. I think my 9 year old daughter has gone back and read every word of your site. Having recently lost our mini Aussie, Rocket (9 months old)in a tragic accident, your words about the nature of Aussies and dogs in general have been a salve…and an education. Rocket was an amazing young dog – smart as a whip and my daughters best friend – and in retrospect after reading your blog, calm for an Aussie. She’d get up an hour early to play with him – she created an obstacle course for him and he hung on her every word. But, really, he was my dog, my constant companion who loved going for walks and knew when it was time to get in the car and go pick up the kids from school. We were just getting into this groove – and it should have lasted for years and not months.

    Now, we’re literally on the way to meet a new puppy – another mini Aussie. We’ve already looked at a few and they just weren’t right…they weren’t Rocket.

    We had no idea what we were getting when we brought Rocket home. As a family, we were only “1 dog old” – a Lhasa we had for 14 years. We thought Spencer was smart becasie he’d sit up and sneeze on command. Ha!

    This time, we know what to expect and have your words to guide us through…and some obedience and training classes in our future.

    All this to say, “thank you, my family and I love your blog!”

    1. Melissa, your comment brought tears to my eyes. I am so sorry for your family’s loss. Rocket sounds a lot like Kiera. Those kinds of dogs are one in a million. But I expect your new mini Aussie will benefit from all that Rocket has taught you! : ) I wish you much good luck. And please tell your daughter that I am honored that she finds my posts useful. Thanks so much for sharing–you’ve made my day!

      And please keep me posted on your progress!

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