Cast of Characters

Cait and Kiera

Cait and Kiera


Border Collie mix


English Shepherd


Shetland Sheepdog


Black Tri Australian Shepherd


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel


maine coon cat


Australian Shepherd Merle


4 thoughts on “Cast of Characters”

  1. I just finished reading Dogs of Dream time and I must agree with the above posts. I have soaked the pages of my library’s copy with tears. I found I could relate with you and be inspired again. I am working on fighting through the overwhelming feelings I have with my 3 dogs so I can make our lives together the best it can be. I find it hard to know where to start though because I can’t help but dwell on the many mistakes I have made. I feel out of control and feel like my dogs are out of control too. Two of my dogs are mother and daughter and I know how you felt during those fights between Molly and Kiera. Should I be doing training sessions with them together or separately…I don’t know what to do.

    1. Lisa, please get in touch with a good positive trainer who can come and observe. That trainer will be able to make recommendations that will be most helpful. You need professional eyes witnessing the dynamics.

  2. I could not agree more. This book made me re-evaluate my life with my main girl and main love! I know we have to work on our relationship and our struggles with daily life, which with a Shiba Inu, is mainly female dog aggression. I plan on looking up some of those fellow authors you’d mentioned in the back of your memoir and am very excited to see what their novels are about. Thank you for your inspiration to help me adjust my life and make my dogs life a happier and more satisfying one :)

  3. I just found and finished Dogs of Dreamtime…thank you so much for writing this book. For sharing, and spilling your heart wide open. I cried, mournful, shuddering sobs, for me, my dogs, and dogs of my past. It has touched me beyond measure, and changed a part of my soul forever. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the pack, it makes it even more meaningful. The book has changed hands in the short time since I bought it, and I am sure will continue to move many more. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Amanda-dog mom to 7, person mom to 1.

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