The Case of the Dog Food Mouse, the City Mouse, and the Country Mouse

So goes a recent phone conversation between Cait at home after school, and Andrew and me at work. Cait calls. Andrew picks up the phone.

Cait: Dad, there’s a mouse in the dog food drawer. How do I get it out?

Andrew: Yell at it.

Cait: Yell at it?

Andrew: Yeah, that’ll scare it out.

Cait: Is Mom there?

Andrew (handing me the phone): Cait wants to talk to you .

Me: Hey honey, what’s up?

Cait: Mom,there’s a mouse in the dog food drawer. How do I get it out?

Me: Go into the pantry and get a plastic container and a piece of cardboard. Put the container over the mouse and slide the cardboard gently under the container, trapping the mouse. Then carry the mouse out to the barn and let it go.

Cait: Okay. Thanks Mom.

And the dog food mouse lived happily ever after.

As for Cait, she continues to deftly juggle her city mouse father who didn’t grow up with much experience in the critter department and her country mouse mother who grew up with plenty. And we all lived happily ever after too.

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