Thought for the Day

The thought for the day is a place where you can find a little pick-me-up,
encouragements, or a new way to think about something.

Q: There are certain subjects, words, and criticisms that have the power to shake us to our core. What’s going on here? Let’s begin by talking about the power that…

Even if you don’t have your own garden, if your car’s been unlocked, you’ve probably been anonymously gifted with enough zucchini to feed an army. We gardeners like to share…

Q: Can you explain what influence language has on our perceptions?

When we are born, we’re born with full awareness. We’re still connected to the All–That–Is.  Looking into a newborn’s eyes, you can see the ancientness of their souls. You can see the wisdom of the ages looking back at you. Because this newborn is still fully connected, this is their experience.

But before long, to make us more suitable to living within the families and cultures into which we’re…

Q: You often talk about how we are brainwashed by culture. Why is that a bad thing? What can we do to prevent this?

Cultural brainwashing teaches us not to question and not to think or act for ourselves. There are many ways to prevent this and still live a so-called normal life. It’s not realistic to set impossible expectations. Most of us will feel we can’t fully disengage from culture. But we can become more aware of how language…

You may have noticed lots of pics with Arrow lately. That’s because we’re keeping him while Cait finishes up a master’s program. And while I love this dog to pieces,…

Q: In reading Master of Self-Realization by Shri Sadguru Siddharameshwar Maharaj, I find that his answer to everything is that we are experiencing an illusion. We need to let go and just stop caring about whatever it is. That’s all there is to it. But for me, it’s not helpful to be told to just let go. What am I missing?

This is one of the reasons why Eastern spirituality can be tricky for Westerners. The Advaita Vedanta teachings do…

Updated: I don’t know about you, but around here, fireworks and thunderstorms are a source of anxiety and stress. For my dogs. And therefore, for me. It’s been decades since…

Q: Does everyone have an intuitive ability? Yes. Everyone is born with an active intuitive awareness, otherwise known as the instinct for survival. Because this is essentially an unused sense,…

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