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Life of Riley

Sharing Umwelts

2 cavaliers sharing umwelt

When we got Kenzie, it was my deepest wish that she and Riley would form a tight bond, so they could share life with another in the same umwelt. Like me saying to Andrew in wonder, “Can you believe how huge the moon is tonight?” And Andrew saying, “Yeah, pretty spectacular.”

I imagine Riley and Kenzie getting to have those shared kinds of moments. And I expect they will because they’ve bonded more closely than I’d even hoped for. … Read More

A Tired Pup is a Good Pup

Cavalier dog half sleeping on dog bed Riley and Kenzie love to play. They play all day long. This is one of the great benefits of having two dogs who get along. They are best buds, built-in playmates, partners in mischief and sleeping snuggle bunnies. They do everything together.

This allows me to get my work done without feeling guilty that I have a bored dog just waiting for me to make its life interesting.

That’s not to say that we don’t get in our walks or … Read More

The Top 10 Dog Websites for Traditional and Alternative Health Information

cavalier at vetsRiley is having some eating issues that have me scouring the web and calling all my dog expert friends to help me find a solution. As is often the case with the internet, it’s not always easy to sift through what’s really good information and what’s not.

I’m sure you all have your favorite sites (and please do share in the comments), but here are the ones that have made my top 10.

5 Reliable Dog Websites for Traditional Health

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A Case of Bigger Isn’t Always Better

This has been Riley’s favorite bed and chew toy all in one. I keep it near my desk so he can plop there while I’m working.

Since Kenzie has been here, they pile in together. Thinking they looked a little cramped, I brought down the big bed that was anonymously delivered for them to use.

Apparently, it doesn’t matter the size of the bed.

Wherever one is, you can find the other smushed right up against them.

Love is a … Read More

Because Everybody Needs More Chaos in Their Life

Meet Kenzie, our new second puppy. Riley’s true love.

I always knew there’d be a 2nd puppy. If you’re a regular here, you would have bet the farm on it. I’ve written many posts about the right number of dogs and the best gender combination. So it was always just a question of when.

It’s a tale that’s a little bit like the Goldilocks story.

Since I knew I was looking for a female (Read the best gender combinations), and … Read More

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