Thought for the Day

The thought for the day is a place where you can find a little pick-me-up,
encouragements, or a new way to think about something.

Q: Life today can often seem so overwhelming. Is there a way to look at our lives that will have it all make more sense? It can help to think…

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you, too, are shocked and dismayed at the rapid rise in food costs. But there is a way we can all fight back…

Q: Sometimes we search for so long we reach a point where we don’t even know what it was we were searching. But there is this longing that remains. What now? 

What’s needed is a moment of recognition. Something clicks that makes us feel alive and excited. That’s one of the things that happen when we find an external teacher. We have that sensation of hope that here’s somebody who could take me further down the path. You may not

Q: What does it truly mean to live a spiritual life? When someone first asks for a spiritual life, they are not aware, truly, of what they are asking for….

It’s true—I’m a gadget person. My father ingrained in me that the right tool for the job is worth the search. Because when you find the right tool, it often…


Q: What is the meaning of life? On what level would you like the answer? On an individual level, there are infinite answers because for every life form, each experiences…

Q: Why has it become so difficult for people in this country to get along? The primary reason for this difficulty lies in a fundamental misunderstanding about human nature. There’s…

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