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My Dogs and Me

Kiera, Graidy, Wink and Me

Everybody’s Got Something to Say

How it is possible that I’ve wound up with three very opinionated animals?

Andrew tells me to go look in the mirror.

Ha ha, I tell him in return.

Really, it must be something in the drinking water. Because, truth be told, everyone in this household has something to say.

Graidy, my BC mix, says, while balancing on the back of the couch, circus-dog style, There’s somebody going by out front! Sound the alarm! Where’s Kiera?! Kiera, come on, let’s Read More

Pig-Pen Meets The Blob

As I try to make my way from one place in the house to another, I now have three animals (instead of the usual two) swirling about my feet. I am reminded of Pig-Pen’s dust clouds (of Charlie Brown fame). Only, while Pig-Pen could move nonchalantly along, unimpeded by his clouds, I must take every step with care so as not to trip over my living eddies.

I’ve learned to shuffle my feet since Finnegan has arrived, because he likes … Read More

Kiera on Duty

KieraDuty Kiera sits as sentry, while Cait and I get ready for a little stargazing before shut-eye. No amount of coaxing will get her to join us in the tent. Her self-appointed job is to periodically patrol the perimeters of our property.

Good thing she’s safely fenced in and other critters fenced out, because we live on a little corner of the wild kingdom. Cait and I sleep well knowing that she’s on the job.… Read More

Aha Training Moment with the Help of Visualization

When I’m training, I’m always thinking about why Kiera does or doesn’t do what she does. I’m always trying to see if I can understand it from where she is and go from there. For example, once upon a time, I wasn’t having any luck getting Kiera to remain calm when people came over to our house. Whenever someone would arrive, Kiera would go into overdrive to make sure everyone in the house was safe for posterity. I’d tried the … Read More

Kiera’s Herding Instinct Test

One morning, as I watched Kiera and Graidy zooming around the backyard together, it struck me how much of Kiera’s play was really herding behavior. Graidy would float around the yard like a piece of newspaper blowing in the wind– fluttering this way and that, skipping and hopping, twisting and twirling. Kiera would conserve her energy as long as Graidy stayed within a certain range. She’d stay in a semi-crouch position with neck stretched out and down, watching. Once he’d … Read More

The other context for “Finding Kiera”

From the Mail Bag: M.M. wrote, I experienced your search for Kiera as very single-minded and focused–bordering on obsessive (and definitely annoying to me). It seemed to me that you were too caught up in “looking for something to fill a need (for Kiera) rather than for someone to help.”

Dear M.M.: I can see why you’d view my search for Kiera that way, but let me anthropomorphize for a minute to better illustrate how I experienced it. Let’s say … Read More

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