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The Morning Routine

Cait’s and my morning routine goes something like this:

I get up around 4:30 a.m., go downstairs, get the coffee going, let the dogs out, go back upstairs with coffee and dogs, and write for a few hours. Then I wake up Cait, get her breakfast, sit and chat with her while she eats, wait for the first bus to go by (which means there’s exactly five minutes until her bus will arrive), double-check that she has everything she needs … Read More

Wanderings — The Socio-biology of Empathy

Here’s a great article on the socio-biology of empathy and the roots of moral behavior in animals.

The NY Times article begins:

“Some animals are surprisingly sensitive to the plight of others. Chimpanzees, who cannot swim, have drowned in zoo moats trying to save others. Given the chance to get food by pulling a chain that would also deliver an electric shock to a companion, rhesus monkeys will starve themselves for several days.

Biologists argue that these and other social

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If You Were Only Allowed Five Songs

I’ve been tagged by Rory at Hamelife to do this meme.

“If you were only allowed five songs, what would they be? Take five, and only five, that you would happily hold onto if all the rest of your music was demanded from you.”

I used to love music… This is actually a really hard meme for me because the older I get, the less I’m able to listen to music — or even watch TV. I know it sounds … Read More

Professional Dog Trainer?

Andrew, reading the morning paper in one hand with a cup of coffee in the other, started quoting an article on one of the more popular dog trainers du jour. Every time he was about to say what the problem was, I absent-mindedly pre-empted him with the correct evaluation and training procedure.

Finally, he looked at me and said, “Why don’t you become a professional dog trainer? Any time I mention any article or magazine piece on dog training you … Read More

A Bit Drab Today

As I stand by the door, waiting for the dogs to do their business, I look up at the heavy gray sky; there’s a winter storm brewing. It reminds me of a conversation that took place on our way to Lake Placid a while back.

Andrew and I were in the front seat, and McLean and Caitlin were in the back. We were happy to have Mac with us, as he was home on break for a short while and … Read More

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