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My Dogs and Me

Kiera, Graidy, Wink and Me

Three Musketeers

The integration of Finnegan, Cait’s kitten, into our home as gone better than my wildest dreams. Both Kiera and Graidy have pretty high prey drives, so there was no guarantee that it would work out, never mind work out smoothly.

Now, wherever you find one, you’ll find the other two. They’ve become inseparable.

Three Muskateers

The usual bedtime at the Shanley’s.… Read More

If Pets Made New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s Resolutions are part and parcel of starting out the new year. As friends were talking about their lists, I started wondering what our pets’ New Year’s Resolutions might be.

Here’s a guess at my three fur balls’ resolutions:

Kiera, my Australian Shepherd’s resolution might be: “I will resolve to stop herding my people when they suddenly move too fast and make those herky-jerky motions. On second thought… Nah. Someone’s got to keep the order around here.”

Graidy, my … Read More

Herding Cats

As I open the back door to let Graidy (my Border Collie mix) in out of the rain, I fail to notice that Finnegan (our Maine Coon cat) has snuck up behind me. As Graidy comes scooting in, Finnegan goes shooting out.

After a few choice words (why does this only happen when the weather is crummy, and my shoes are nowhere to be found), I dash outside in stocking feet with no coat. I call Kiera (my Australian Shepherd) … Read More

Two Dogs vs. One Dog

Watching Kiera and Graidy playing with each other this morning, I’m more keenly aware than usual of the benefits of having two dogs.

I’ve just come back from a visit to my mother’s. She has one dog, Zoe; a beautiful, 4 yr old German Shepherd, who’s a ball nut.

zoe1.jpg Because Zoe is a high energy dog, and doesn’t have another dog to help tire her out, she is constantly looking for someone to throw her ball. My mother does her … Read More

Dream Catcher

I was awakened at 2:30 this morning by a flash of light outside our bedroom window.

I’m accustomed to the odd nighttime event, being a Dreamer and all, and this was definitely odd. Mainly because the dogs didn’t bark. Actually, I guess that was the good news. It meant there were no intruders on the property. (I’ve had intruders on my property before–during one of the very few times I didn’t have dogs–and it was the ultimate in creepy and … Read More

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