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End of an Era

endoferadrybr1.jpg Along with my stepson, Colin (the other handy person in our family), I built this swing-set for Cait several years ago. I sketched the plan, figured out the lumber list, got the materials home, and Colin and I had the whole thing built in a day. Andrew, who isn’t especially handy with tools, and Cait, who was four at the time, were very helpful go-fers. It has stood in sturdy stead all these years.

We built it because Cait had … Read More

My Essential Gardening Tools

gardentools1.jpg I can pretty much do every gardening task I have with just these few tools: 1 EZ-Digger, 1 pair of good gloves, 1 Garden Scooter, and 1 pair Muck Boots. I like to keep it simple; no fuss, no muss. Okay, maybe 1 pair of good clippers or a pocket knife does come in handy every now and then.

I use the EZ-Digger in place of 10 other tools. Mine is a little chewed on the end of the handle … Read More

Everybody’s Got Something to Say

How it is possible that I’ve wound up with three very opinionated animals?

Andrew tells me to go look in the mirror.

Ha ha, I tell him in return.

Really, it must be something in the drinking water. Because, truth be told, everyone in this household has something to say.

Graidy, my BC mix, says, while balancing on the back of the couch, circus-dog style, There’s somebody going by out front! Sound the alarm! Where’s Kiera?! Kiera, come on, let’s Read More

Pig-Pen Meets The Blob

As I try to make my way from one place in the house to another, I now have three animals (instead of the usual two) swirling about my feet. I am reminded of Pig-Pen’s dust clouds (of Charlie Brown fame). Only, while Pig-Pen could move nonchalantly along, unimpeded by his clouds, I must take every step with care so as not to trip over my living eddies.

I’ve learned to shuffle my feet since Finnegan has arrived, because he likes … Read More

My Writing Room

writingroom.JPG Fall is my favorite time of year. I love the cool weather and the easing of outdoor chores. I love the light play of the sun on brilliantly colored foliage. I love the crisp smell in the air. There’s a quickening about this time of year that always stirs me. I don’t know why, but Fall also reminds me of my father. Maybe because it was his favorite time of year too.

Today, I had to be inside for the … Read More

Would you do it to your dog?

I’ve been following Marc Bekoff’s work on Ethology (the scientific study of animal behavior) for years. He’s written and edited a number of books on the subject, including The Smile of a Dolphin: Remarkable Accounts of Animal Emotions, a collection of short essays on animal behavior.

One of his recent articles asks the question of animal research scientists, “Would you do it to your dog?”, in an attempt to address the question of animal experimentation in general, while highlighting … Read More

Kiera on Duty

KieraDuty Kiera sits as sentry, while Cait and I get ready for a little stargazing before shut-eye. No amount of coaxing will get her to join us in the tent. Her self-appointed job is to periodically patrol the perimeters of our property.

Good thing she’s safely fenced in and other critters fenced out, because we live on a little corner of the wild kingdom. Cait and I sleep well knowing that she’s on the job.… Read More

Harvest Time

Garden Bounty It’s a raw and rainy fall day here, in Upstate NY. I harvested the last from my french intensive garden. In another week, I’ll plant the garlic bulbs I dug up and dried back in July. The ones left anyway… My hardneck garlic has become legendary among family members for its flavor and sweetness, and they grab as much of it as they can.

Reflecting back on this gardening season, it was a mixed bag. A combination of too much … Read More

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