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Dogs in General

Info, Tips, Health

Is Having Three Dogs Better Than Two or One?

[Since Google is sending people here re 3 vs 2 dogs (which I wrote as a fun fluff piece), please also read this more serious post for my honest opinion: What I Really Think About Having 3 Dogs vs 2 Dogs first before you decide. Updated 10/25/22]

I’m often asked if there are benefits to having multiple dogs. I’d have to say it depends on the number of multiples you’re considering. For instance, is having two dogs Read More

What I Really Think About Having 2 Dogs vs 3 Dogs

3-aussies-playingQ: From the Mailbag: Natasha asks, I currently have two male dogs (a Labrador 5 yrs and a Yorkshire Terrier 2 yrs) and they both get along great. I’ve always wanted a Rottweiler. Do you think it would be a bad idea getting a 3rd dog? What sex would you say would be better? Thanks.

A: Natasha, having had one dog, two dogs, three dogs, and four dogs at various times, my favorite number is two. Adding a third

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I Used to Be Normal…

…Two dogs ago.

When I saw that tagline, I laughed and thought, yep, that was me. I used to be normal. Before I started adding more dogs and a cat to our animal family. My life used to be sane back then.

But life often has other plans for me. You can read about a couple of those plans here and here.

You see, as I have often written about, two dogs are the perfect number. For so … Read More

My New Dog

beagle Meet Bob. My new dog.

He’s a pound puppy. Well, actually a pound old man; he’s around 8 years old. And he’s sweet as can be.

I know I said I was going to wait at least a year but…


I sort of am still waiting.

Bob is a dear friend’s dog that we’re dog-sitting for. Her usual standby wasn’t available and she had a terrible experience trying someone on Rover.com. (Not all Rover experiences turn out poorly. You … Read More

Should I Get a Mini Australian Shepherd or a Regular Standard Australian Shepherd? What Are the Differences?

Mini Australian ShepherdI cannot tell a lie. I’m wavering. I’d initially wanted to wait at least a year before bringing another dog into my life. I’m blaming it all on my daughter, Cait.

She’s been having me look at Aussies in Rescue and Shelters for her. She’s thinking she wants a Mini Aussie with a tail. Specifically a Mini Aussie Blue Merle. This is the girl she has her heart set on. She’s also thinking smaller is better for apartment living.

Looking … Read More

How to Tell if Pavement is Too Hot for Your Dog’s Paws

When Are Sidewalks and Roads Too Hot for Your Dog’s Paws?

The Seven-Second Test

There’s a simple seven-second test to check whether the pavement is too hot for your pet’s paws. Just touch the pavement with the back of your hand for seven seconds.

temperature sign

If you can’t hold your hand there for the full seven seconds, then it’s also too hot for your dog’s paws. Same difference, if you walk barefoot and can’t tolerate the pavement heat, neither can your … Read More

How to Save Yourself a Trip to the Emergency Vet

Can’t tell you how many times over the decades and decades that I’ve lived with my animals that I wished there was a stop-gap measure before having to rush off to the Emergency Vet on nights or weekends. It would have saved me thousands of dollars.

Now there is an online service and app that may just do the trick. Fuzzy is a telehealth service for pet people with 24/7 access to customized pet care and product recommendations from vet … Read More

Dogs Can Recognize Their Owner by Voice Alone

A new study from the researchers of the Department of Ethology at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Hungary reveals that dogs can recognize their owner by voice alone, and they make use of some of the same voice properties as humans do. The study is published in Animal Cognition. Read the full article »

I never cease to be amazed at how many dog studies done by scientists are completely self-evident to anyone who actually lives with dogs.… Read More

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